RESCUE 2004©
  rescue the perishing, care for the dying...  


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RESCUE MINISTRIES is a six-piece acappella singing outfit, who have their feet planted in the path that the Lord hollowed out when He came to this Earth .Five guys and a Lady who have made it their duty to praise the lord, through rescuing people from the clutches of Sin, through MUSIC....

RESCUE MINISTRIES is made up of:

Kagiso Molake : 2nd Tenor(Lead)
Lefha Mogabala :Baritone
Tebogo Mookodi :1st Tenor
Lebogang Mabotho :1st Tenor
Disang Lekgowe :Bass
Phemelo Ramalefo :Bass

We intend to serve the Lord for as long as He gives us the breath of Life. When Jesus ascended to Heaven, He said,"GO YE THEREFORE AND TEACH ALL NATIONS....",and so it is with these words in mind, that we aim to take the gospel of christ,through our music, to all the corners of the earth that HE intends for us to reach.

Our name "RESCUE" is a symbol of our undertaking of this task that the Lord has left for us, and that we believe He has brought us into this world for...!

RESCUE MINISTRIES was born on the 10th of May 2001... It began as a quartet, with Lebo, Disang, Lefha and Kagiso,and the first perfomance was at Kagiso Molake's 17th Birthday party, after which we felt that we had to continue with spreading the word of God, and we have not looked back since! Dimpho Mogotsi(Baritone) joined us later in the year, and was with us for two years, but left in the year 2003, due to other engagements.

In his place came Tebogo Mookodi, the lady who changed the face of RESCUE MINISTRIES and has since been contributing a lot in taking RESCUE MINISTRIES to higher heights. Phemelo Ramalefo joined Rescue Ministries in February 2004, and with his additional input, RESCUE MINISTRIES seeks to only be the best in all that the Lord requires of it.

We realise that the Devil is on an "all-out" war against God's people,more especially young people like ourselves, and so we've decided to put on the full armour of God, and through God's powerful talents that He has bestowed upon us, engage the devil in this warfare, with the aim of being God's instruments in RESCUING the perishing world...!


Music is in our Hearts,Minds and Souls,but if we are not careful it can become our cause of doom and destruction. We have therefore decided to Dedicate ourselves and our group to the Lord,to make Him our main encouraging,driving and Inspirational Force.

As we are still young,both Physically and Spiritually, we also rely on the guidance of our God-sent dear parents, friends and fans,to help us stay focused and in constant touch with the Lord,through their advices, prayers and other tokens of appreciation and encouragement.


Lekgowe Family
Mookodi family
Mogabala Family
Molake Family
Mabotho Family

We are forever grateful for their support,constant advices and prayers...May God continue blessing them!

Copyright© RESCUE MINISTRIES 2004 All rights reserved©